Holden’s Colliery ,Smithills shooting hut, Winter Hill Bell pits/Shafts, Winter Hill

two sites with routes in this area
this give’s some history to this key access point,

route we took

weather : OK 6c to 4C ,this was a discovery walk looking for a colliery


the same area in snow

looking at the icicles

me , My sister and my mum

Smithills shooting hut

on the way to the mast

millstone grit -looking at the name on it !

looks like a old mill stone unfinished  ? next to a quarry
Bell Pit

another waste tip

doorway to Holden s Colliery
http://www.about-rivington.co.uk/acatalog/Winter_Hill_Mines.html overview site

old walls Holden s Colliery

overview Holden s Colliery site

Holden s Colliery pits/shafts

Holden s Colliery main path is to the left with dean mills reservoir in the top left

mine waste – or shale with coal pieces in it  near Holden’s colliery

Ormrods Bolton Brick -found  next to winter Hill mast

Looking at icicles

Old shaft near winter hill  mast square in shape -grey fences behind are the winter hill support cables

across the moor

the other winter hills towers

Roly Poly
note from dad take care on the Hills

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