Archive for the Anglezarke Category

Remembrance Sunday Memorial Walk – Lead Mines Clough , Anglezarke,Chorley,Lancashire

Posted in Anglezarke, Belgium, Chorley, Dozingham, first world war, Lancashire, Lead mines clough, Memorials, Merchant Navy, Old mines, Passchendale, second world war memorial, U Boat- U123 with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 14, 2010 by jakeofwinterhill

Wet approach to the memorial walk

Note from dad -this was about a family memorial walk and the main activity was remembering Jakes and Evie’s Great, Great Granddad and Great Granddad. Jake wanted to share this – some of the Blog has been written by Jake and the rest by dad.
Jake had been to  this memorial before, we all thought this was a suitable location to commemorate and  remember.

Jake had tidied up the crosses and poppies spontaneously without being asked before

“I am tidying this up by putting some of the crosses back (above lead mines clough)”

me  and Evie -Evie being a Zebra! in pink

Looking at a Mine Audit with dad -(behind the tree!)

Bolton Mountain rescue – 4 land rovers

At the Bomber memorial- Winter hill is in the background , the mast is mostly covered in cloud.

Putting Great Granddad’s and Great Great Granddad’s Crosses on the memorial

making sure the crosses are together without disturbing others, picking up the poppies on the ground.

Note  from Dad:
Edward McQue (Great Grandfather) and John Thomas McQue (Great .Great Grandfather) crosses together

Edward McQue officer Engineer  Merchant Navy (Great Granddad)
Killed in action  21-11 -1940  SSCree , 4791 tons iron ore , all 41 hands were lost
He had successfully completed 3 voyages when his ship SSCree was sunk by a U Boat- U123 off the coast of Ireland
the ship was carrying Iron from South Africa to Liverpool

information about U123

Great Granddad does not have a  grave having gone down with the ship,
He is remembered at the Merchant Navy memorial at Tower Hill London

John Thomas McQue 5th regiment Labour Corps
killed in action 14-12-1917 in the trenches battle of Passchendale ,Belgium

Great,Great Granddad is buried at  Dozingham war cemetery , Belguim

Bomber memorial to the Wellington Bomber crew who died

I am  reading the memorial wreaths
Note from dad :This one that Jake is reading from was from the Chorley ramblers,

This  Memorial wreath from Bolton Mountain rescue team


one of the mine tips

me and mum

route we took

some background to the memorial

lead mine clough Anglezarke – first explore of this area (back of Winter Hill)

Posted in Anglezarke, fell running, Horwich, Lancashire, Lead mines clough, Mine adit, Old mines, Rivington, second world war memorial with tags , , , , , , , , on October 9, 2010 by jakeofwinterhill

I am starting off on my explore !

I am on a stone footbridge across one of the many streams,

this is a old farm ? we found on the way

this place is called Higher Hempshaws on the map

a old roof slate

a old mine trial near lead mines clough

mine adit at lead mines clough

where the water wheel (powered by water) was that pumped the water out of the mine at lead mines clough

war memorial to a bomber which crashed in WW2 ,I am tidying this up by putting some of the crosses back (above lead mines clough)

I am resting I am getting very tired nearly at the car !
the route we took,

more information re this area

weather very windy, sunny -some tracks plus cross country , It was a  long way  (4.6 miles) for me !