Archive for July 30, 2011

Quecha Tent sleep over

Posted in Quecha Tent, sleep over with tags , , , on July 30, 2011 by jakeofwinterhill

me and Evie watching a film-Sammie’s adventures about a turtle

enjoy the film.

Note from dad : Lavender to put the bugs off

Note from Dad the Quechua tent T6.2

camp fire we collected wood  for the fire – my mum cooked me a banana with chocolate in it ! on the fire

me asleep

Wilderswood , Horwich family walk

Posted in Mine adit, Old mines, Ormstons farm, Rivington Pike, wilderswood, winter hill, winter hill mast with tags , , , , , , , , on July 30, 2011 by jakeofwinterhill

Leo exploring on my dads back

mine adit – this is blocked after a few feet very damp and wet and full of mud !

can you see the pike ? we are going to look at the dragonflys on the pond

walking towards Ormstons farm

old mine workings

one of the horses -sign says do not feed
 Leo with his hat on this walk he kept on taking it off

Leo on the walk – i picked his hat up several times

me and Evie stroking a horse

the mast and the old tramway

mine adit – this is dry but blocked after a few feet – goes towards cabin pit but does not link up 😉

this area has been felled

Evie hiding 😉

my first blog a year ago

route taken

Hide and seek at Rivington Castle, Rivington, Horwich

Posted in Rivington, Rivington Castle, Rivington Pike with tags , , , , , , on July 30, 2011 by jakeofwinterhill

Leo the cutest boy in the world!

a castle turret

the old gate house

we played hide and seek

we are all going to hide in this part

hiding in another part of the castle

off to the other part

Leo asleep

having a picnic

me and Evie playing hide and seek

walking back to the Rivington barn

nice and cool in the shade

Evie hiding in her hat !

what a nice day for a walk

running off -Evie can run fast !

the pike

the go ape at Rivington barn